Meditation is easier than you think. Actually, you can meditate anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances. It is just awareness. What we call the essence of meditation is awareness. Awareness means you know what you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you are doing. That is awareness, the knowingness. Many people think meditation is something very difficult, empty your mind, do not think of anything and concentrate and concentrate. But that is a misunderstanding about meditation. Actually, to meditate you don’t have to do anything, like blocking the thoughts, create a special state of mind, or be peaceful and calm. There is no need of that. Simple “be”. As long as you are aware of something and maintain that awareness, that is the meditation. Of course, sometimes when we meditate like that, lots of thought pop up in our mind, like our to do lists, “I have to do this. I need to talk to that person. I have this important deadline. Am I wasting time? How do I know if I am doing this right or wrong?” All these thoughts may come, that is normal. You can try again: listen to sound, distract, listen to sound, distract. So from today, please practice meditation. After reading this try to meditate for at least ten minutes for a day every day.
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