Every soul in this world experiences various situations in its life. Each individual has a different approach towards them and generates unique ideas and beliefs throughout their life. These ideas keep looking for a way to reach out to other people and art comes into the role here. Art allows an individual to pour out his/her ideas and beliefs and create a strong impact on society. At the grassroots level, art helps to de-stress from daily pressures and boosts creativity. It also increases concentration and focuses on all-around development. Art may be defined differently by different people but I believe that any medium by which individuals can express their talent and can impact society can be called art. It can be physical, virtual, music, sports etc. Art incorporates problem-solving ability which is much needed in today’s life. Involving in artistic activities doesn’t require any professional training. Just a creative and thoughtful mind can create masterpieces. Today’s youth really has a need to get their minds stable as there are a lot more distractions now than before. Art can give them a stable and mature approach to life and can ultimately create a better future for them. Over time art has been a medium to connect with people all over the world nevertheless of who, what, and where they are.
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